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Educate Girls encourages communities to take a stand against gender disparity, working directly with governments, schools, parents, village leaders, and Team Balika to reverse the statistics and ensure access to quality education for girls.

This video covers the work of Educate Girls, a non-profit organisation working in remote tribal areas in India, where massive gender gaps are the norm and girl-child education is believed far less important than raising goats. We are introduced to Safeena Husain, Executive Director of Educate Girls, and learn why this is such an important mission.

Their vision is to achieve behavioural, social and economic transformation for all girls towards an India where all children, regardless of gender, have equal access to quality education. By 2018, their goal is to improve access and quality of education for around 2.5 million children annually by 2018; and judging by the statistics of achievements they are well on their way!

Educate Girls have presence in over 21,000+ schools across 12,000 villages, with over 90% girls enrolment. There are over 11,000 Team Balika members trained and working in these communities, giving these girls the best chance at quality education. 

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