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The Personal Learning Space

A main concern that has been vocalised by many young women who have dropped out of school is that there are not enough adequate female teachers they can learn from.


One of the main aspects of this FLS is to inspire young girls to take leadership within their actions and their school community. Educate Girls works with this in mind when working with the girls in their schools. 

“Educate Girls holds the election of Bal Sabhas (Girls' Councils) in every upper primary school. This 13-member council gives girls a voice, a leadership position in the school and training in “life skills” to boost communication, leadership and problem solving skills”.


By having these leadership roles, we can give the girls of today a sense of empowerment within themselves, and motivate them to strive for greatness. There are many ways we can encourage girls to do this; mainly by giving them suitable role models. 


By providing girls with a positive personal learning space, with motivation, resources, and support that they need, as shown above, these girls are able to overcome obstacles thrown their way, and break through the barrier of the issue being inadequate education. 

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