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The e-Space

The use of technology in the classroom has been a topic of discussion for so long. Do we need it? How can we use it? Will it benefit our students? Is it bad to use technology as a reward? How can I ensure all my students are working efficiently?

So many questions, and unless you are willing to test out the use of technology in your classroom - you will never know!

As a teacher, you need to see how it works for your students, whether they can actually complete the tasks using the designated software.

I have experienced students using technology such as computers and i-Pads to complete activities such as reading groups, mathematics and other subjects, and have it work very successfully. There was also an instance where a student who completed his work was able to have '5 minute i-Pad time' as a reward for completing his activities. His motivation to work increased due to this reward system being implemented, and it benefited him immensely.

I personally plan to use technology where necessary in my future classroom, as I think that in this ever-changing world we live in, it is important to keep up with the evolving teaching styles, and ensure you are having students work to the best of their potential!

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